First Time + Student Voters

Maine’s next election will be:

November 5, 2024 — Referendum Election


If you are a US citizen, reside in Maine, and will be 18 or older on or before November 5, 2024, you are eligible to vote in Maine for the general election.



If you go to college in Maine, you are eligible to register and vote here in Maine, if you want. But, you must establish a voting residence there. You can establish a voting residence at your Maine campus address even if that's a dorm or apartment.

What is residency?

“Residence” is defined in the Maine election law (Title 21-A, section 112(1)) as “that place where the person has established a fixed and principal home to which the person, whenever temporarily absent, intends to return.” (see SoS residency fact link)



As a student, as long as you meet the Maine residency requirements, you are allowed to vote in Maine.


Register to Vote.

1. Fill out a registration card.

To register to vote you need to fill out a voter registration card. You can fill out and find these cards at:

  • Your town office or city hall.
  • Motor vehicle branch offices.
  • Many other government agency offices.
  • At a voter registration drive on campus.

If you are unable to fill out the voter registration card at the above locations, you can download one here. Be sure to use the guide below.

In addition, most campuses have someone on campus who can walk you through this process. Please contact us so we can connect you to the appropriate campus contact or let us know if you have trouble accessing a printer.

Voter Registration Application

2. Re-register if you are living in a different residential hall or apartment from last year.

If you are living in a different dorm or apartment from when you first registered to vote in Maine—you must update your voter registration with your new address.

You update your voting address in the same way you register to vote the first time, by filling out the voter registration card and handing or mailing it in, or by updating your registration in-person at your polling site on Election Day. Follow instructions 3 and 4 below.

In addition, most campuses have someone on campus who can walk you through this process. Please contact us so we can connect you to the appropriate campus contact or let us know if you have trouble accessing a printer.

Submit Your Form.

Hand in or mail your registration form.

Once your registration form is filled out, it can be submitted to your local city hall or town office. This can be done via mail or, even easier, in person. If you need help finding the address of your local town office or city hall, Maine’s SoS provides this easy-to-lookup site.

You can also mail the finished form to the Maine Secretary of State. However, we strongly suggest mailing it to your local city or town office to ensure that it is received on time. However, if you prefer you can send it directly to SoS using this address (and they will forward to your local municipal office):

Division of Elections:
#101 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0101

Make sure to follow the instructions on the registration form! Attach a copy of your ID or other proof of identity and residency. FYI, you don’t need those documents to vote, but you do need them to register. For those attachments, don’t send originals, but make sure to send clear and legible copies.

Voter Registration Application


Register on Election Day.

In Maine, you can also register on Election Day!

It’s usually a good idea (and it typically saves time) to register ahead of the election. But if you aren’t able to do that or if you miss the deadline, you can still vote on June 14 and November 8 at your local polling station.

In Maine, same-day voter registration allows anyone to register on Election Day.

Head to your local polling place–if you need help locating your polling station, check out Your polling place is based on your official residence, so make sure you know that.

Then ask one of the polling volunteers to help you get registered. Staff on hand will be able to register you, provided you have the correct documents, and you’ll be good to cast your ballot!

Unlike if you’re preregistered, if you register at the polling station you will NEED to bring an official ID and proof of residency. Keep reading to learn about what constitutes ‘residency’ and what documents can prove your identity and residency.


Identity Documents.

What do you need to prove your identity?

If you’re a new voter in Maine, whether submitting your registration form or doing same-day registration, you’ll need to verify your identity.

The voter registration card will ask for your Maine driver’s license or state ID or the last four digits of your Social Security number.

But in addition to these, other things can be used to verify your identity. According to Maine statutes, the clerks can use:

  • Government-issued photo IDs or credentials,

    including but not limited to a current and valid US passport, military ID, driver’s license or ID from another state
  • Other government-issued non-photo IDs,

    like your birth certificate or a signed social security card
  • Or other official documents,

    such as a document confirming eligibility for public benefits, a utility bill, a government check, a paycheck or other government document that shows your name and address.

If possible, it’s best to bring a photo ID or a government issued document. But keep in mind, you don’t need to have any particular item from this list. Not having a government-issued photo ID doesn’t mean you can’t register to vote in Maine. Any of the items in the list can be used to demonstrate your ID to the clerks.


Proving Your Residency.

What are the residency requirements?

To vote in Maine, you have to “establish and maintain a voting residence in the municipality where you seek to register.”

According to Maine law, students “have the right to register in Maine where you attend school, provided you have established a voting residence there as defined in Maine’s election laws. You can establish a voting residence at your Maine school address if you have a present intention to remain at that address for the time being, whether that residence is a dorm, apartment, house or even a hotel.”

But what will you need to provide the clerk to prove your residency?

Voting clerks can consider the following information to determine if you meet the residency requirements:

  • A direct statement of your intention to reside at a particular place
  • The location of any dwelling you currently occupy
  • The place where you have registered your motor vehicle (if you own one)
  • Your current income tax return showing your residence address
  • The residence address where your mail is received
  • The residence address on your current hunting or fishing license
  • The residence address shown on your driver’s license
  • Your eligibility for public benefits based on residency
  • Or any other objective facts that tend to indicate your place of residence.

Remember, you don’t need to have any particular item from this list. Not having a car registration, or having your car registered in another state, doesn’t mean you can’t vote in Maine. Any of the items on the list can demonstrate your residency to the clerk.


What Should I Bring?

What do I need to have to register?

Here’s what you’ll want to have on-hand for the smoothest and quickest registration process:

  • An official government ID listing your Maine address

  • or

  • An official ID (without a Maine address) in addition to a printed utility bill, bank statement, or another doc showing that you have a Maine address

But remember — you don’t need to have exactly those items in order to register. If you can show the clerk who fills out your registration that you meet the ID and residency requirements from above, then you should be allowed to register and vote.

To see the exact Maine statutes covering identification and residency requirements, visit the page on voter rights.